Wednesday, November 21, 2018

When Things Don’t Go Your Way

Sometimes it can seem like everything in your life is going haywire. If you’re a new age type, you might say of these times that Mercury is in retrograde. Mercury in retrograde is blamed for everything from technological bugs, business deals gone awry, miscommunication, mechanical and electrical failures or issues like with your car and electronics. Astrologers explain that Mercury turning from west to east instead (retrograde) is actually an illusion. This is not to saying that when things don’t go your way it’s an illusion.

An illusion in some of us hold is that we can control everything. When our illusion of ultimate control is disproved it can cause us to be annoyed, angry and irritable. This is normal, for who isn’t annoyed by car problems or electric failures, along with the hassle of repairs and the expense. Being in recovery can ramp up our irritability. We couldn’t control an addiction, and now all these others situations are stressing us out.

Being in recovery gives us an opportunity to take a different view of difficulties, and our reaction to them. We know well about acceptance, since we’ve had to accept the harsh reality of an addiction—the thing that held us hostage and wrecked our lives—till now. Like we said before, it’s normal to be annoyed when things don’t go our way. We get to be annoyed and disgruntled, and we get to make a choice not to belabor our feelings. It’s like the ole Serenity Prayer—accept the things we cannot change . . .

When we make the decision to get on with it, and take care of the problem, we turn a negative situation into a positive action. Acceptance and taking action are positive steps, but sometimes in recovery, things seem like an approaching tidal wave, and can make us feel like escaping. We know the danger escape can pose to our hard-won sobriety. That’s when we need to talk to the level-headed friends we’ve made through our addiction recovery group. They can support and encourage us to keep the focus on our recovery and reinforce our already established ability to get through tough times. Just because we got sober doesn’t mean problems and irritating things won’t occur. It does mean that we can handle them in a manner that leaves us in a more positive frame of mind.

Serenity Oaks provides an intensive 5 week program to support your sobriety and recovery from addiction. We provide medical support, detox, and other help such as building life skills. Through individualized programs we help you move forward in recovery. Call us to find out how we can help you get started: 844-396-8526.  




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